Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hot Golf?

Today's heat reminds me of a most horrible experience, when a friend took me to a "hot yoga" class. I must tell you that this was my first yoga class of ANY kind. : / For some reason, some people like to do yoga in a sauna like condition. I guess it makes you sweat and keeps your muscles loose, but for me, it felt like a never ending hot flash, while trying to make my body do things that I couldn't even get my childhood rubbery gumby to do! Honestly, I sat there watching most of the time. I knew my limits! So one might ask oneself, "Why would anyone want to play "hot golf?" My answer as a 20 year golf professional = I have no idea! I understand that your muscles are loose, but what are the other reasons???? Maybe because you have the course to yourself???  Okay, since I want to be instructive, I will offer you some suggestions, should you choose to go or be dragged out to the golf course on a 100 degree day :

1. Take a cart - with a top if possible
2. Drink water consistently, starting the day before you play
3. Wear light colors (no navy blue or black, even though it makes you look skinnier)
4. Obviously have water to drink while you are playing
5. Bring a small cooler, with cold cloths in ice water, to put across the back of your neck
6. Pour cool water, or place a cold cloth on the underside of your wrists between shots
7. Wear sunglasses
8. Walk slowly - no running to your ball!
9. Look for shade to stand in, when you are waiting for your turn to play
10. If you are feeling faint, QUIT!

I know that some people love the heat. Does anybody REALLY love 100 humid degrees? If so, knock yourself out! Enjoy, but please be as precautionary about your body as you can. We are not typically acclimated for these temperatures!

Fore you, Sue