What kind of progress, or "di-gress" have you made this year? Maybe you have "transitioned" into the B flight, from the A flight...or even from the championship flight (for those of you unfamiliar, when amateur tournaments are played, golfers are often grouped into categories of like abilities. It's no fun to be excited about shooting 95, and be beaten by twenty shots by the guy or girl who shot a 75. The championship flight is the group for the lowest scoring players, and then flights A,B,C, and sometimes even D follow. These categories are used to allow the competition to be more fair and enjoyable. In theory, everyone has a chance to win a trophy).
Nobody likes to move down in "flights." We all want to move toward the championship flight. The golf season is now over in the midwest, and you have a chance to evaluate your year. If it was lousy, you probably don't ever want to relive it, even in your memory. But this is a necessary step for you to improve. Take a deep breath and really think about why your score increased. Was it because of errant tee shots? Terrible bunker and chip shots? Is your putter slightly bent, from slamming it on the ground after all of those missed putts? Where is your problem? And what can you do about it?
It can be discouraging to look back on pain, but hope can be apprehended, when you use the pain to improve...whatever the circumstance. Determine from where your added shots came. Then work on that part of your game in the off season. I'm a fan of getting good direction. Find a golf professional that you can trust and understand, and devote some time to changing what is driving you CRAZY!
Speaking of transitions....I was hoping to make it easier for you to interact with me, by transitioning to a wordpress blog. I don't think it matters and I ended up not writing any posts! I don't want the blog to get LOST in this transition. So let's just do it this way...if you want to respond to my blog, and are having difficulty here, email me a question or comment at sue@getacquaintedwithgolf.com. I will respond here, to your Q & C there. Okay? No more "loss" in the transition. Transition over.
Fore you, Sue