Sunday, February 28, 2021


Hello again! I'm a little rusty at blog writing, but pretty warmed up from teaching a lot of golf! The pandemic has been terrible in many ways, but golf has been a place of relief and leisure for many.   

As I look back on old posts, I see the consistency of golf information; what's true then is still true now. I also see that I am writing from a new place. Our family nest is empty and I am able to spend more time challenging and shepherding my student's golf games. And no more using kids at home to fuel golf parallels!

I now have a "Specialized" credential in Teaching and Coaching through the PGA of America, which just means that I have been willing to continue to learn and grow in my vocation. That brings me to today's topic: giving yourself space and time to learn and grow. In our fast paced, achievement oriented culture, we feel like we need to be good at everything NOW, whether we are or not. Sometimes we try to "fake it til we make it." In the end, the faking doesn't really lead to the making. But true learning and growing does!

Last week I was teaching a gentleman with a Navy past. I told him that he was very good about taking what I said and putting it into practice. He said "I want to get better! There's no sense in being embarrassed." We talked about how a change in motion feels awkward and sometimes yields some funky shots to start. He didn't care if it felt awkward. He didn't care if he hit a few weird shots as he adapted to a new feeling. He just wanted to get better and guess what? He IS better!!

The Midwestern golf season will be up and running soon! Now is the perfect time to take some time to do some learning and growing!  

 Nice to be back "fore you!"




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